

Monday, July 18, 2011

Good Morning!


How is everyone today? It's not that nice out today it's hot but it is suppose to storm so it's not the nicest yesterday it was hot TO HOT! I wish it was nice today if it was I would probably be playing outside. If it was nice I would go swimming in our little pool in the backyard with my little sister it's not too big but that's fine it's still fun!

Today I feel: I was just tired this morning like when everybody wakes up in the morning your tired but then when you get up out of bed your up and your fine so that's what happen's with me it mostly always happen's when I get up but then I am fine.

           Hope the weather get's nicer! 

                   Love, Aalia Hopp

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good Afternoon


For the past 2 days like I said I went to a water park but I also forgot my pills so for two days I didn't take my pills But I was actually Ok I wasn't that bad but I took my pills last night so I am better. I was really tired today for some reason but I got over that. For some reason I am never hungry I am wondering why.

I really haven't told you that much because I don't know that much to say so if you have any questions you can just comment on one of my posts the questions you have and I will reply.

Today I feel: I did not feel like I could run a mile but I also didn't feel like I couldn't get out of bed so I was right in the middle. But I feel good now!   

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Dells!!


For the past 2 days I have been in the Wisconsin Dells at the Wilderness it was so much fun but the next day I was really sore from the wave pool and swimming. I'm sorry I did not post that much I have not been by a computer I post every day I try but sometime I don't have a computer around if I did I would.

The dells was SO much FUN I love swimming it is so much fun and it makes my legs feel amazing. I am SO SORRY I did not blog and I told you I would post every day I am trying to post everyday as much as I can.

Today I feel: I felt about a 3 1/2 this morning but it got a lot better when I got up and walked around I was just tired. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Good Afternoon!


Up at my cabin again swimming and doing a paddle boat today was cold and rainy so I didnt do much today but yesterday it was warm so we did lots of stuff. Tomorrow It's gonna be really warm so I might go swimming and maybe go fishing.

Today I feel: I felt AWESOME this morning it's wired I woke up this morning because it was so good I could walk purfect this morning I was like sitting on my knee's they can't bend but they  were still really good this morning. My LDN is working so well. Hope it's works for you!=)

   Love, Aalia Hopp

Monday, July 4, 2011


Happy 4th of July!,

Today I went to the Monona pool and it was nice and warm outside so that why we went to the pool. Tonight I am going to see some fire works and then going to a fair! Swimming made me feel a lot better. Yesterday I went up to my cousin's cabin and I went tubing with her it was so much fun.

Today I feel: Rough in the morning I was really tired so it was pretty bad but the water helped me loosen up from the morning.

  Love, Aalia Hopp